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Hunter Fest 2006

Arion napisał(a):co za PORAŻKA!

Porazka, to chyba jest organizacja tego festu. Ponoc CoB tez nie zagra. A sam Opeth chce wyjsc na droge sadowa. do dupy z czyms takim ;)

Za to Kwasozlopy zagrali Another Brick In The Wall, po raz pierwszy od wielu setow, bylo ponoc w cipe ;)

O, znalazlem nawet:

Children Of Bodom can't travel to Poland for the show on monday!

Due to many problems with the organisation from the promoter's side, we are unable to come and perform on this festival. We are sorry that it's such a short notice, but there was no other way
this time. The saddest thing is that we haven't played Poland in years, and it's just so bad luck that these kind of problems occur especially with this show in Poland. There are many things that went wrong, we are sorry that people who bought tickets to see us are the ones who suffer the most!

Alexi, Janne, Henkka, Jaska & Roope.

no dobsz. to teraz śmiać się czy płakac?

Jak ja sie ciesze ze wybralem Masters, bo gdybym jechal na ten fest i dowiedzialbym sie ze CoB nie zagra to bym cale Szczytno rozjebal siekiera i golarka jednorazowa

Ach jak dobrze ze kupowałem tylko bilet jednodniowy...bo zwracali za nie kasę.Ale kto mi (i wielu innym ktorzy przyjechali głownie dla opeth) odda za straty moralne?grrr argh...
"Teamwork is essential.It gives them someone else to shoot at."
"Patriots always talk about dying fot their country,but never about killng for their country"

Niebylo tak zle jak sie ludzia wydaje Smile
Ja np sie bardzo dobrze bawilem Big Grin

bylo chujowo bez CoB i Opeth...ale Napalm i rodzimy Decapitated dali rady, wiec ogolnie jakies 5-6/10
[Obrazek: tnbm-emblem.png]

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03-02-2012, 04:59 PM

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