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Gra w skojarzenia...

snopowiązałka- wieś
Everyday I look into the mirror
Staring back I look less familiar
I've seen all seven faces
Each one looks a lot like me

wies - tanie wino

tanie wino - 3 wisienki Big Grin
Everyday I look into the mirror
Staring back I look less familiar
I've seen all seven faces
Each one looks a lot like me

3 wisienki - 3 pestki ;]
all rights reserved

"When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him..."

3 pestki - 3 nasiona

3 nasiona - seks oralny Big Grin

3 seks oralny- bez komentarza Tongue
Everyday I look into the mirror
Staring back I look less familiar
I've seen all seven faces
Each one looks a lot like me

bez komentarza - TVN 24 ;D
all rights reserved

"When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him..."

tvn 24- pan z kamerą (sama widzialam Big Grin)
Everyday I look into the mirror
Staring back I look less familiar
I've seen all seven faces
Each one looks a lot like me

sama widziałam - co? Big Grin

co?- pana z kamera.. =D
[Obrazek: avatar0cn.jpg]

nie interesuj sie Big Grin bo duuuzo rzeczy widzialam Tongue miedzy innymi pana z kamera z tvn24 Wink
Everyday I look into the mirror
Staring back I look less familiar
I've seen all seven faces
Each one looks a lot like me

pana z kamerą - pana reportera Laughing

pan reporter- moja klasa (profil dziennikarski)
Everyday I look into the mirror
Staring back I look less familiar
I've seen all seven faces
Each one looks a lot like me

moja klasa - LO im. KEN (moja szkoła =P)
all rights reserved

"When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him..."
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