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V / A Grimoire 7 – Opening The Gates Of Chaos, intl., incl. Merciless, Malkuth, Gonkulator, Thou Art Lord…, death / black / doom metal, metal age


ARCHEON - End of the Weakness, Poland, gothic / doom, empire
CAVO – Cavo, Japan, grind / noise / sludge with elements of Japanese ethnic music, shit jam, 3"MCD
COLLAPSE - Mentale Impotenz, Germany, brutal death metal, pagan winter
CONQUEROR WORM - Let's play Havoc, Poland, math core, demo CDr
DEVIL-MAY-CARE – Awe, Russia, sympho black metal, stygian crypt
DIPHTHERIA - Anal Front, Poland, death /grind, demo CD-R
ENTIRETY - In Caelo Omnia Acciderunt, Italy, death / black, northern darkness, MCD
ESKATON – Genocide, Poland, brutal death / grind, sf, CDr demo
ESSENCE OF EXISTENCE - Ephemeris Sun, Slovakia, sympho black metal, sonic temple
F.D.S. – F.D.S., Brazil, thrashcore, hellion
FORGIVE ME NOT – Tearfall, Russia, epic doom metal, metal agen
OBLOMOV - Wishing the Renaissance, Czech Republic, sympho black metal, radiation noise, MCD
P.U.T - Bitterness Despair And Cynism, France, industrial rock avant-garde, pogo
V / A Apokalyptik Warfare II – intl., incl. Houwitser, Demonized, black / death metal, osmose
V / A CONTAMINATED IV – intl., incl. Nasum, Origin, Neurosis, Alchemist…, death / grind, relapse
V / A CONTAMINATED VI – intl., incl. Necrophagist, Leng Tch’e…, death / grind, relapse
V / A Dew – Germany / Austria, incl. Mastic Scum, Depression, Toxic Death, Social Disease, Blackened, Scum, death, grind, thrash, nebel
V / A Hard 96 – Germany, incl. Mailvaltar, Darth, Massenmorder, Forgotten Past, death / thrash / hard core, hard
V / A Hard 97 – Germany, The Company, Mailvaltar, Massenmorder, Progeria, Darth, death / thrash / hard core, hard
V / A It's Just warning ONE – The Netherlands / Belgium, incl. Disinfest, Pleurisy, Crustacean Death's Bride, death / doom / thrash, eastern star
V / A It's Just warning TWO - The Netherlands / Belgium, incl. Goden, Cremation, The Darkening, Nocturnal Silence, death / doom / thrash, eastern star
V / A Laermbelaestigung - Krach Propaganda Compilation – intl., incl. Mortician, Sepsism, Gorguts, Aborted, Pessimist, Fleshless, death, grind, black, larmbelastigung
V / A Migraine In The Membrane – intl., Funeral Inception, Pleurisy, Rotten Cold, Tessaract, Birdbrains, death / grind, ignite
V / A Morrigan - Germany / Austria, incl. Night In Gales, Mind Ashes, Skull Crusher, Morbid Silence, Bitching Sluts, death / doom, nebel
V / A Obscene Extreme 2007 – intl., incl. Brutal Truth, Rotten Sound, Rompeprop…, death / grind, obscene
V / A Roadkill – intl., incl. Vader, Malevolent Creation, Hateplow…, death metal, system shock
V / A The French Underground Series – France, incl. Absurdity, Heresy, Horrid Flesh, Manslaughter, Gastrik Burst, Psychobolia, brutal death metal, skullfucked
V / A TROIS - RIVIERES METALFEST IV – Canada, incl. Despised Icon, Neuraxis, Torn Within, Horofiction, Paroxysm, Quo Vadis, death metal / thrash metal / black metal, galy
V / A TROIS - RIVIERES METALFEST V – Canada, incl. Neuraxis, Despised Icon, Beneath The Massacre, Martyr, Coprofago, death metal / thrash metal / black metal, galy
VIVID X - V.Xtremal Progress, Russia, brutal progressive death / thrash, blacksmith
VOGELFREI - Stifefeljungs (Lieder 1994-98), Germany, melodic oi, asphalt
WORMPHILISM - Gore Codex 01, Italy, goregrind, coagulated, CDr demo


CONVENT - Blessed Amongst The Flock, Poland, brutal death metal, inhuman distro, CDr demo
DEFORMED - Everything Is A Fun Torture, Poland, death / grind, demo CDr
HORRIFIED - Deus Diabolus Inversus, Greece, melodic death metal, empire
INSEMINATOR / NECROLUST - Dark Flame of Holy Inquisition, Poland / Italy, death thrash / black thrash, metalrulez.prv.pl, split CDr demo
KAIZEN - Supporting Continual Improvement, France, modern thrash, kontsha, MCD (slipcase)
MIND ECLIPSE - Chaos Chronicles, Russia, black metal, more hate
NAMTER - Hostis Humani Generis, Italy, black metal (pro printed full colour cover), sf, CDr demo
NEOTRUTH - 32'42'' Short Infinity, Russia, progressive death metal, metal agen
PATOLOGICUM - Promo 2006, Poland, brutal death / grind, sf, CD-R (demo)
PORPHYRIA - Mayhemic Blast, Poland, brutal death metal, sf, CDr
SEVER - Songs of the Crashing Crunchy, USA, dissonant hardcore, hellbent
SNUFFERGRINDER - Snuff Reality, Poland, cybergrind, mad maggot, CDr
SOULLESS - Peri Psyches, Poland, brutal death metal, anaites, CDr
THE DISMAL – Make Your Mind Up, Spain, mathcore, division house
TOOTHFAIRY - Does Not Work Well With Reality, USA, dark gothic, noiseville


7 MINUTES OF NAUSEA / PTAO – Feedbackselfdeath, Germany / Czech Republic, grind noise, bizarre leprous, 3"split
ABYSS - Taste The Bitter Vengeance, Poland, melodic death metal (pro-printed layout & printing on disc), demo CDr
ADVERSARY - We Must Be In Hell, USA, death metal, cursed
AION - O Fortuna, Poland, atmospheric death / dark metal, system shock, MCD
ALIENGATES – Dark Days Quantum, Switzerland, melodic death metal, sf, MCD
AMBRAZURA - Storm in yours Brains, Russia, technical grinding death metal, stygian crypt
ANAL CUNT / FEAR OF GOD / STENCH OF CORPSE – Split, USA / Switzerland, grindcore, sf, splitCDR
ANAL STENCH – Red Revolution, Poland, death metal, empire
ANARCHUS / C.S.S.O. – Split Live CD, Mexico / Japan, grindcore, obliteration, split
ANARCHUS, Tribute To - Beyond Good and Evil, intl. Disgorge (mex), Ravager, Morbosidad, Bowel Stew, Oxidised Razor american line
ANESTESIA – Satisfied, Czech Republic, fast agressive thrash metal, cephalic
APOPHIS – Heliopolis, Germany, melodic doom / death, morbid
BLIND GUARDIAN – Fly, Germany, heavy metal inspired by Tolkien, nuclear blast, MCD
CAD – Deadnation, Slovakia, raw grindcore, downfall
CADAVEROUS - Hide In Details, Turkey, death / thrash, CDr demo
CALM - Ex..., Poland, melodic death metal (pro-printed inlay and discprint), demonic, CDr
CASTIGATE – Bring Me The Head Of Jesus Christ, Germany, death metal, system shock
CASTRUM - Mysterious Yet Unwearied, Ukraine, medieval death metal, bloodbucket
CHAINSAW - The Journey Into The Heart Of Darkness, Poland, power metal, empire
CHAMBER OF SHRED – Epitome, Spain, technical brutal death metal, sf, MCD
CONTEMPT - When Angels Begin To Cry, Slovakia, brutal death metal, empire
CORE - Through Chaos and Disharmony, Brazil, death metal, sf
COURTYARD – Refusal, Turkey, melodic death metal (pro-printed layout & printing on disc), CDr demo
CRAZY ABOUT SILENCE - When Death Surges Forth, Belgium, furious death core, several bleed
CREMASTER – Pumpernikel, Poland, thrash metal, empire
CROPMENT - Braindrain Timeslavery, Switzerland, brutal death metal, sf, MCD
DAMNATION – Resurrection Of Azarath, Poland, death metal, conquer (promo)
DEAD ORCHESTRA - Sounds Like Time Tastes, USA, death / thrash, massacre (promo) (sh)
DEISEAL - Relationship Of Hate, France, black metal, black crystal
DESECRATED DREAMS - Feelings Of Guilt, Slovakia, symphonic black metal, metal age
DESENSITISED - Thriving on Carnage, The Netherlands, grindcore, bleedin' hemorrhoid, MCD
DESORATOR - Signs of Coma, Japan, old school death metal, voyaki, MCD
DESPISE / IMPERIAL FOETICIDE – Split, Czech Republic, brutal death metal, grodhasin, split
DESTROYING DIVNITY – Created, Czech Republic, intense death / black, grodhasin
DETEST – Dorval, Denmark, death metal, progress (promo)
DETRIMENTUM - A Monument of the suffering, UK, brutal death metal, grindethic, MCD
DEVASTE – Soulseducer, Germany, raging brutal death metal, paraphonia
DIABOLICAL – Deserts Of Desolation, Sweden, death / thrash metal, cdn, MCD
DIPNOI – FKDDD, Brazil, thrash metal, moonza
DISGUISE - Human Primordial Instinct, Italy, black metal, sf
DOOM - World Of Shit, UK, crust, sf, CD-R demo
DRAIN OF IMPURITY - Sorrid acts of torture, Turkey (pro-printed full colour inlay and discprint), drain, CDr demo
DREAMKILLERS - Fairgrounds for Insanity, Australia, alternative thrash metal, velvet urge, MCD
EPIDEMIC CAUSE - Far East, Japan, industrial death metal, shadows of Michelangelo, MCD
ESCUTCHEON - Unexplained Deep Space Phenomenon, The Netherlands, cosmic death / black, tb
EVIL DIVINE - Dawn Before The Dawn, USA, black metal, metal age
EXCREMENT – Scorched, Finland, death metal, invasion, MCD (promo)
EXPLODING ZOMBIES - Several Severed Heads, USA, death / grind, emetic
EXPULSION – Man Against, Sweden, death / doom, godhead
EXTREME NOISE TERROR - Live And Loud, UK, grind, sf, CDr demo
FACTEUR ZERO - Douce Barbarie, France, death / thrash, sf, MCD
FAERGHAIL - Blood will follow Blood, Finland, melodic death black, northern sound, MCD
FEROX - Prepare for War, Germany, death metal, rabaz
FERRO IGNIQUE - World Wide War, Germany, raw black metal, folter
FETAL DECAY / DETRIMENTAL - The Last Martyrity / Beware, Russia / USA, brutal death metal / brutal death, relics, split
FLATLINED - One Step Closer to Eternal Rest, USA, metalcore, lifeless
GENOCIDE - We rape the sky, We rape the hell, Mexico, grindcore, magnecidio
GODS OF EMPTINESS - Blind Obedience Madness, Austria, grindcore, noise art, MCD
GOLEM – Death Never Dies, Italy, heavy / black metal, diamond, MCD
GORE BEYOND NECROPSY - Noisexcretass Asshole, Japan, grindcore, sf, CDr demo
GRIMNESS - At the Beginning God Created Scum, Italy, grindcore (pro-printed layout & printing on disc), everydayhate, CDr
GRIND MINDED - Your Suffering Will Be Legendary, The Netherlands, death / grind, filthy, MCD
GULU LOCUS - Chocol-Hate, Italy, slow death metal, nocturnal
GUT - The Singles Collection, Germany, goregrind, sf, CDr demo
HELD UNDER / SEVER / VEXATION - Paths of Destruction, USA, deathcore / sludgecore / death metal, encrypted, 3 way split
HELLBRIGADE – Hellbrigade, USA, metalcore, sf, MCD
HELL ON EARTH / HILL OF THE DEAD – Split, USA, death metal / deathcore, crimes against humanity, split
HORDE OF WORMS - The Uncreation, Canada, Canadian Blast Metal, bloodbucket
HYSTERIA - Abbysal Plains Of Chaos, France, death / black metal, infernal waves, MCD
INFERNAL ANGELS - Vigilia Secunda, Italy, black metal, sf, CDr
INFERUS - Cult to the Lord of the Evil Light, Brazil, black metal, southern spirits
INFESTUM – Infestum, Belarus, pagan black metal, battle hymn, MCD
INNER WAR - The Profane Vulgar, USA, death metal, metal age
INNOMINANDUM - To Improve Fit For Smaller Heads, Austria, death'n'roll, mdd, MCD
INTO THE GORE - Pain must be amplified, Greece, brutal death / grind, metal age
JONBENET RAMSEY - The Forsaken Porning Of Prepubescent Anus, USA, death / grind, latex solar beef
LAY DOWN ROTTEN - Paralyzed by Fear, Germany, melodic death metal, remission
LE CRI DU MORT - Le Cri Du Mort, Germany, gothic metal, sf, SCD
LIGHT IS THE LANGUAGE - The Void Falls Silent, USA, death / grind avant-garde, gladiator
LUCIFERI EXCELSI / AAHAS – Split, Austria, grim black metal, black empire, split
LUNGORTHIN – Morgrom, Germany, black metal, folter
MALEFACTOR - Death Falls Silent, USA, death metal, metal age
MARDUK – Hearse, Sweden, black metal, regain, MCD
MARIA CHUANA – Mesuge, Slovakia, thrashcore, sf
MAY RESULT – U Slawu Rogowa Naszich, Serbia, pagan black metal, rock express
MAY RESULT - Svetogrdje (The Blasphemy), Serbia, pagan black metal, rock express
MERCYFUL FATE - The Unholy Sounds of the Demon Bells, intl., Dan Swano, Deceased, Vital Remains..., still dead
MIND RIOT – Peak, Finland, doom / rock, godhead
MISCREANT – Oppressive, Russia, death / thrash metal, blacksmith
MISFORTUNE – Midnightenlightened, Sweden, melodic black / death, blackend, MCD
MISTYFATE - Embracing The Death, Colombia, melodic death metal, decade
MIXOMATOSIS / DEMISOR / GORED FACE - Night of living grinders, Spain / Sigapore / USA, grindcore, grindmind, 3 way split
MOLOT VEDIM – Asylum, Russia, black metal, serpent's lair
MORBID ANGEL, Tribute To - Tyrants from the Abyss, intl., Zyklon, Luciferion, Vader, Angelcorpse, Krisiun, Behemoth..., empire
MORBID SILENCE - Dark Labirynth, Czech Republic, dark metal, sf
MORCEGOS - Extreme Point, Brazil, old school death metal, sf (sh)
MORTAL AGONY – Necrobutchering, Germany, brutal death metal, chainsaw fisting, MCD
MORTUARY HACKING SESSION - Delightful Carvings, USA, grindgore, last house on the right, MCD
MOZEK MOTORS - Twin Tower Torture Sessions, Germany, sick cyber grind, sf, CDr + 3"EP
MUTALA - Carnivorous Disposition, Italy, death metal, nocturnal
MUTILATION - Conflict Inside, Poland, brutal death metal, empire
MY DEEPEST INNER - Generation X, Germany, thrashcore, sf, SCD
NATHANIEL - Hidden Inside A Spirit, Poland, technical death / thrash (pro printed full colour cover), demonic CDr
OBSCENO / THROB OF OFFAL - Alcanzando un Orgasmo descumunal / Fungi of Gore, Brazil, goregrind, sindrome, split
PERNICIOUS - Blood Lust, The Netherlands, death metal, firebreath
PERVERSIST – Necrophilharmony, Czech Republic, brutal death metal, pigeon shit
PERVERSIST - Machine Grind Surgery, Czech Republic, brutal death metal, pigeon shit
PHANTOMS OF FUTURE - Phantoms of Future, Germany, indie rock, epic, MCD (box)
PHANTOMS OF FUTURE - Loco Poco, Germany, indie rock, epic (sh)
PHANTOMS OF FUTURE - This Flight Tonight, Germany, indie rock, epic
PHANTOMS OF FUTURE – Chimera, Germany, indie rock, epic (sh)
PHANTOMS OF FUTURE - Cruel Times, Germany, indie rock, epic
PHANTOMS OF FUTURE - Chapter III - Trance Album, Germany, indie rock, gusch / efa
POLYMORPH - Innocent Suffering, Germany, brutal death metal, guc
POST MORTEM - Mankind Autopsy, France, brutal death metal, sf, MCD
PROFANITY - Slaughtering Thoughts, Germany, brutal death metal, cudgel
PROTEST - About Human Idols, Slovakia, death metal, metal age
PROTEST - Have a rest, please, Slovakia, death metal, metal age
RAVENDUSK - Shadow Past, Poland, doom metal, metal age
RECIDIVUS / ANTHROPOPHAGICAL WARFARE - Anesthesia / Bestial genocide, Brazil, death metal, moondo, split
RECUEIL MORBIDE - Hurt By Human Race, France, brutal death metal, deadsun (sh)
REDOX - Sharpened Knives, Spain, heavy / thrash, voliac, MCD
REGREDIOR - Forbidden Tears, Lithuania, pure death metal, shiver
REZIN - Bong-Hits, USA, thrashcore, sf
RHYMES OF DESTRUCTION - A Sun Revolution, Belgium, symphonic black metal, shiver
RIPHEAD / DROGHEDA – Violencia, USA, death thrash / death grind, extreme millennium, split
ROSSOMAHAAR - Quaerite Lux In Tenebris, Russia, sympho-black metal, sound age
RU36 - Dumpster In The Sky, USA, melodic hc / punk, ten strip
SACRED SIN - Mastery of Holy Imperial Art, Portugal, brutal death metal, blackened moon
SACROSANCTUM – Fragments, Czech Republic, experimental gothic doom rock metal, metal age
SANCTIMONY - Eternal Suffering, Latvia, technical death metal, father
SCRAMBLED DEFUNCTS / BLASPHEMER / HUMANITY FUCKED TO GORE - Pre-natural Whilling / Life Kills / Into Sickest..., Russia / Italy / Russia, brutal death / deathgrind / brutal death, relics, 3 way split
SECRETUM - Happy happy Killing Time..., Germany, thrash / death metal, metal age
SEEDS OF SORROW - Bleeding Eyes, Austria, death / black metal, demonware
SEZARBIL - The End of Sacred Faith... Occido, Occidere..., Czech Republic, black metal (pro-printed full colour inlay and discprint), CDr demo
SOLEKAHN - Suffering Winds, France, brutal death / black, imperial maze, MCD
SOUTHERN STORM – 1999, Bosnia, symphonic power metal, one
SPINEGRINDER - A Visual Symphony of Horror, France, grindcore, extremist, MCD
SUBTERA - Nothing and Death, Brazil, intense ultrafast death / grind, morte pacifica
SUN. HAS. CANCER - Kamikaze Spirit, Czech Republic, brutal-metal-industrial, grodhasin
SUPREMACY - Through Endless Torment, Slovenia, brutal death metal, empire
THE ESCHATON CREED – The Eschaton Creed, Scotland, death metal, CD-R demo
THE KEVORKIAN SOLUTION - Invokation (randomselector4.8), UK, cyber grindcore, deathstill
THE KUNTAUTCULT - From the Pits, The Netherlands, grindcore, displeased
THE ZEPHYR - Impure & Divine, Mexico, fast, raging black / death metal, american line
THORNSBREED - The Splendour of the Repellent, Germany, blasphemous death metal, animate
THRONEAEON - With Sardonic Wrath, Sweden, brutal death metal, hammerheart (promo)
TINIEBLAS - Dark Infernal Light, Puerto Rico, ritualistic black metal, thrash corner
TOMBTHROAT - Evil Fucking Zombie Riot, Germany, death metal, sf
TOMMYKNOCKERZ - In The Course Of Time, Austria, thrash metal, sf, MCD
TORTURE INCIDENT / BRUTAL INSANITY - Voice Your Disgust / Smash Hits, Singapore / UK, goregrind, chop2death, split
TRONUS ABYSS - The king of Angels in the Abyss, Italy, black metal, pagan moon organization (sh)
TU CARNE / EL MUERMO - En Un Pellejo De Cerdo, Spain, goregrind, extremist, MCD
TUMOUR / M.D.K. / KADAVERFICKER / TOTAL PENURIA / VOMIT SEX - Blood and Sickness, The Netherlands / Brazil / Germany, goregrind, duende maltido, split
UNDERCROFT – Evilusion, Chile, death metal, pavement (promo)
UNSILENCE - A Walk Through Oceans, UK, doom metal, golden lake, MCD
UPPERCUT - Shroud Shifter, Germany, death metal, guc, MCD
URBAN ALIENS - Corporate punk for rich people, Canada, fun hc / punk, new core music
URSCHULLUM - Psyco Noiz From Da Psyco Hoad 666, Czech Republic, hard core, 99
V / A Altars Of Mad Death – France, Kronos, Kabbal, Recueil Morbide…, death metal, diamond, digi
V / A COCKS & CUNTS – intl., incl. Dying Fetus, Skinless, Haemorrhage, SCD, Agx, Malignant Tumour, brutal / death & grind only, bleurk, compilation
V / A Hymns Of Rebellion II – intl., incl. Ephel Duath, Aghora…, doom / experimental, golden lake
V / A IMPHALTE vol. 1 - intl., incl. Depraved, Visceral Dissection, Anatomy, Disgorged Foetus, Gorestench, death & grind only, imphalte, compilation
V / A IMPHALTE vol. 2 - intl., incl. Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, Atavism, Enemy Soil, Disgorged Foetus, death & grind only, imphalte, compilation
V / A LELAHEL METAL vol. 1 - intl., incl. Mangled, Hellborn, Cirith Gorgor, Darth, Patologicum, death / grind / doom, lalehel metal, compilation
V / A NEOBLAST Compilation 3: Blast From the Underworld – intl., incl. Spawn of Possession, Virulence, Korum, Kabbal, death / black / doom, neoblast, compilation
V / A RAZORBACK: A Hog Wild Tale Of Terror, intl., incl. Deranged, Machetazo…, brutal death / grind, razorback, compilation
V / A Realm of Grind – intl., incl. Agathocles, Total Fucking Destruction, Gorerotted, Damnable, Nefas, Toxic Bonkers, Selfhate, brutal / death & grind only, dywizja kot, compilation
V / A The Kanada Compilation – Canada, Infernal Majesty / Custom / The Harpoons, thrash metal, lifestyle, 3 way split
V / A Ugly Music For Ugly Minds – intl. Alchemist, Nasum, Pentagram, Cretin, Mastodon, Gadget, Zeke, Burst, Leng Tch'e, Dysrythmia, relapse
V / A Witching Black Records – intl. Throneum, The Chasm, Nordafrost, Gaurithoth, Atomizer, black metal, witching black
V.I.T.R.I.O.L. - Songs of fairies, Serbia, atmosferic / medieval neoclassical ambience, rock express
VENEREAL DISEASE - Mondo Macabro, Spain, splatter grindcore, hecatombe
VERY WICKED – Goregutgreedy, Germany, brutal death / grind, chainsaw fisting
VICIOUS CRUSADE - Forbidden Tunes, Belarus, folk / doom / death / thrash metal, metal rec.
VICTIM – Cocktail Of Bruatlity / Faces Of Death, Germany, death metal, eclipse
VIKING CROWN - Unorthodox Steps Of Ritual, USA, black metal, hammerheart (digi)
VOID OF SILENCE – Toward The Dusk, Italy, doom metal, nocturnal
VOMIT REMNANTS / GORATORY / WORMED – Premature Burial, Japan / USA / Spain, brutal death metal, macabre mementos
WARBLADE - A Crisis in the Gray Space, USA, melodic death metal, oak-knoll
WAYD – Barriers, Slovakia, technical death metal, metal age
WHAT WEAPONS BRING WAR - What Weapons Bring War, USA, grundcore, encrypted, MCD
WITH DEAD HANDS RISING - The Horror Grows Near, USA, brutal deathcore, life sentence, MCD
WITH DEAD HANDS RISING - Behind Inquisition, USA, brutal deathcore, life sentence
WRECKER – Humanicon, France, dirty death / grind, sf, MCD

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