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Pozdrawiam i zapraszam do kupowania! Smile

ALICE IN CHAINS - Dirt (grunge, TAKT)
ARMORED SAINT - Revelation (heavy, mystic)
ASGAARD - When the Twilight set in again (gotyk, mystic)
ASSASIN - Interstellar experience (thrash, top music)
ATHEIST - Unquestionable presence (death, mg)
ATROPHY - Violent by Nature (thrash, tact)
BAL-SAGOTH - Battle Magic (mystic)
BAL-SAGOTH - The Power Cosmic (mystic)
BAL-SAGOTH - Starfire Burning upon the ice-veiled moon of ultima thule (mystic)
BATHORY - Bathory (black, tact)
BATHORY - The Return (black, tact)
BATHORY -Octagon (thrash, Morbid Noizz)
BLASPHEMY - Fallen Angel of Doom
BEHEMOTH - Pandemonie Incantation (Black, MMR)
BELPHEGOR - Blutsabbath (Black/Death, Morbid Noizz)
BETHLEMEM - Dark Metal (Black, Morbid Noizz)
BOLT THROWER - Warmaster (Death, tact)
BOLT THROWER - The IV Crusade (Death, Carnage)
CANDLEMASS - Epicud Doomicus Metallicus (doom, takt)
CANDLEMASS - Nigtfall (doom, takt)
CARPATHIAN FOREST - Black Shining Leather (Black, Mystic)
CEMETERY OF SCREAM - Sameone (Death/Doom, Croon)
CEMETERY OF SCREAM - Melancholy (Death/Doom, Croon)
CRANIAL TORMENT - Death is Rising (Grind, demo)
THE CURE - Bloodflowers (Rock, Fiction)
DARK ANGEL - Decade of Chaos (thrash, mg)
DISASTROUS MURMUR - Rhapsodies in Red (death, Carnage)
EDGE OF SANITY - Unorthodox (death, takt)
EMBRACE OF FEAR - The mysterious underflesh emotions (doom)
EMPEROR - In the nightside eclipse (Black, mystic)
FEAR FACTORY - The soul of a new machine (crossover, MMP)
FEAR FACTORY - Demanufuture (crossover, MMP)
FORBIDDEN - Twisted into from (heavy, MG)
FORBIDDEN - Point of no return (heavy, MG)
FREEZING FOG - Eosforos falling (black)
FUNERAL CULT - De tristitia et in lacrimis (Dark, Millenium)
GALLOWS - Demo `93 (Doom)
GOATVOMIT/KRATORNAS - Sovereigns gathered (Black, Witchhammer666)
HYPOCRISY - Penetralia (Death, Loud out)
HYPOCRISY - The fourth dimension (death, Sick rec)
ICED EARTH - Burnt offerings (Hevy, MMP)
IMPALED NAZARENE - Ugra-Karma (Black, Morbid Noizz)
KING OF SOULS - Give me your soul (Black)
LIMBONIC ART - Ad Noctum (Black, Mystic)
LIMBONIC ART - Epitome of illusions (Black, Mystic)
LIMBONIC ART - In abhorrence dementia (BLack, Mystic)
MACHINE HEAD - Burn my ayes (Crossover, MMP)
MACHINE HEAD - Burning red (Metal Mind)
MACHINE HEAD - The more things change (Koch)
MAGNUS - The gods of the crime (death, carnage)
MARDUK - Panzer Division Marduk (Black MMP)
MARDUK - Opus Nocture (Black, Morbid Noizz)
MARDUK - Heaven shall burn (Black, Morbid Noizz)
MESHUGGAH - Contradiction Collapse (Thrash,Nuclear Blast)
MORBID ANGEL - Covenant (Death,Carnage)
MORBID ANGEL - Entangled in chaos (Death, MMP)
MORGOTH - Cursed (Death, MMP)
NERGAL - demo `93 (Black)
NIGHTFALL - Parade into centuries (
NIGHTWISH - Wishmaster (Power, Mystic)
NIGHTWISH - Oceanborn (Power,Mystic)
NUCLEAR WINTER - Abomination Arorabora (Grind, Mystic)
OBITUARY - Slowy we rot (Death, Tact)
OBITUARY - Cause of death (Death, Tact)
OBITUARY - The end complete (Death, MMP)
OBITUARY - World Demise (Death, MMP)
OBITUARY - Back from the dead (Death, MMP)
OBITUARY - Dead (Death, MMP)
PANDEMONIUM - The ancient catatonia (Death, Baron)
PANDEMONIUM - Devilry (Death, Carnage)
PANTERA - Vulgar display of power (Thrash, MG)
PANTERA - Far beyond driven (Thrash, POLTON)
PAN-THY-MONIUM - Dream II (Death, Morbid Noizz)
PAN-THY-MONIUM - Dawn od dreams (Death, Carnage)
PROTECTOR - Urm the Mad (Trash, Aulones)
QUORTHON - Album (Morbid Noizz)
SAMAEL - Passage (MMP)
SEPULTURA - Blood Rooted (Thrash, Koch)
S.O.D - Speak english or die (Tact)
SOLEFALD - The linear scaffold (Mystic)
SLAYER - Live undead (Thrash, Tact)
SLAYER - Undisputted attitude (Thrash, American)
SLAYER i A tribute to Slayer (Thrash, Morbid Noizz)
SPARAGMOS - Invitation from the host of wrath (MMP)
SUMMONING - Minas Morgul (Mystic)
SUMMONING - Let mortal heroes sing your fame (Mystic)
THERTRE OF TRAGEDY - A rose for the dead (Morbid Noizz)
TRAIL OF TEARS - Disclosure in Red (MMP)
TWILIGHT - Demo `03
UNLEASHED - Where no life dwells (Mg)
UNLEASHED - Shadows in the deep (MMP)
UNLEASHED - Live in Vienna (Loud out)
VED BUENS ENDE - Written in waters (Mystic)
ZZ TOP - Eliminator (Tact)

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