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Dropkick Murphys

Jezeli lubicie DKM, to polecam Street Dogs

[Obrazek: street_dogs_bandpic.jpg]

Wokal powinien sie Wam spodowac, a czemu? Poniewaz Mike McColgan udzielam sie wczesniej w DKM (byl jednym z zalozycieli), zanim nie zostal strazakiem w Boston'ie ;)

Po prostu polecam.

A znam znam , back to the world nawet niezła płytka, defence of dorchester i drink tonight to chyba najlepsze kawałki z tego cd



Znam tylko "The Warrior's Code" - za bardzo pozytywnie nastawione to Wink . Fajnie się słucha wiosną, latem, przed wypadem na piwko.

balzac napisał(a):Znam tylko "The Warrior's Code"

Bierz sie za koncertowke, Live On St. Patrick's Day. Zmiazdzy Cie!

On the rocky road to Dublin!
One, two, three, four, five!

tam to wbija w ziemie "boys on the docks". ten singalong kladzie wszystko co widzialem, ex equo z "for the record" stretcha
mozesz miec twarde lawki,
ja mam miekkie skory.

Dla mnie z DM najlepsza była płyta "Do or die", najwięcej punk rocka bez zabaw w folkowe granie i balladki jak z pubu dla dziadków. Reszta może nie jest zła, ale po dwóch przesłuchaniach już mi się nie chce, jakoś średnio mi w ucho wpada.

Jak dla mnie to najlepsza jest "Live on St. Patricks Day" chociaz zeby w pelni ich docenic trzeba zobaczyc na wlasne oczy, zwlaszcza co sie dzieje w trakcie "spicy mchaggis jig" Big Grin , a najbardziej punkowa jak dla mnie to nie "Do or die" ale "gang's all here"
kup sobie schemat
schemat buntu
schemat walki ze schematami :]

mam zajebista zajawke na nich, obecnie n1

Arrow for boston
Arrow tessie
Arrow captain kelly's kitchen
Arrow i'm shipping up to boston

[Obrazek: meanestoftimes.jpg]

You may have heard the rumor by now and yes, it's true. We have finished recording our new album and will be mastering it when we return from Europe early next week ready to get it out to all of you. We will keep you updated with any news, promotions and special offers around the album release over the coming weeks.

"The Meanest Of Times" will be available from September 18th on DKM's own record label, Born & Bred Records which will be distributed by Warner Music's Independent Label Group.


Okay you crazy, rabid bastards ! Are you ready for the first preview from the new record? "The Meanest Of Times" - in stores Sept.18th 2007 !

Well this is even better than a song from the record because it's an outtake version that you'll only hear here. This version of the song, "(F)lannigan's Ball" is sung by AL, and Ken. Like we said it will only be available on myspace.com and dropkickmurphys.com. The version of (F)lannigan's Ball that will appear on the album features guests vocalists, Ronnie Drew from the Dubliners and Spider Stacy from the Pogues who joined AL and Ken for this special rendition of a song that encompasses 3 generations of Irish music. Hope you enjoy it and look for more actual songs from the record to be periodically posted on the site. We look forward to you guys hearing the album and really look foward to coming out and playing the songs live for you all.


Check out our profile to listen to "The State of Massachusetts" off our new album THE MEANEST OF TIMES, coming Sept. 18, 2007!!


Od kilku dni plyta smiga juz po necie. Jak to bywa zwykle w przypadku DKM, daje rade.

folk punk Smile the spicy mchaggis jig miecie
So let the rains come down and explore,
The possibility that it all ended that day...

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Ostatni post przez Kamael
02-17-2007, 02:27 PM

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