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27.06 (piatek) Lex Talionis(Azarath,SupremeLord...)/WaWa/D44

27.06 (piatek) Lex Talionis
Warszawa / Depozyt 44 (ul.Solec 44)

Supreme Lord


"Energy, simplicity and innovativeness. That's what Neyra's "Self Made Torment" is all about.(...)" "(...)It's proper heaviness is supported by brutal vocals, genious fadings, for example this one in the 35th second of "Grey Fur Soaked In Blood" or the beginning of "Without hope" make me fully connvinced of their great potential of which they make a really "practical" use on this short material."


was formed in October 1998 by Inferno, Bruno and D.
The first recordings were: "Traitors"demo and Promo'2000.
The band played many shows and later - already with Bart who filled the line-up - they recorded debut album "DEMON SEED" in Hertz Studio. Album contains 10 songs of terrifying brutal death metal, aggressive, dirty and sinister. With no doubt it's one of the most extremely death metal albums. The band got great response and reviews and also invitation from VADER for Polish part of REVELATIONS TOUR 2002.
During last days of August 2003 the band recorded second album “INFERNAL BLASTING” in Hendrix Studio. This album got even more fuckin' great reviews than the debut one.
After recording session of "Infernal Blasting" D. left the band because of personal reasons. The band found the second guitarist - Trufel from Yattering - and with him in line-up started to promote new album.
In June 2006 (Hendrix Studio) and then in August 2006 (Hertz Studio) Azarath recorded 10 tracks for the newest album "DIABOLIC IMPIOUS EVIL". Album was released on 16th of September and from that day Azarath started Polish part of Blitzkrieg 4 tour supporting Vader together with Vesania and Trauma.
In November 2007 Azarath played Legions of Death Attack Tour in Poland with Adam Sierzega on drums (ex-LOST SOUL) together with Stillborn and Deception.


was found in the middle of 1998 by Sliwa (drums) and Bigos (guitar). The band from the very beginning has played fast and brutal kind of death metal (DERANGED and ANGEL CORPSE style). After a couple of months Ostry (second guitar), Sobiech (vocals) and Ziomek (bass) joined the band. In the beginning of 2001 CENTURION recorded the first demo, called ”...and they will leave only remains”. In the middle of 2002 the band entered DBX studio in Warsaw and recorded first LP „Conquer&Rule”. It contains over 25 minutes of brutal death metal plus cover Morbid Angel „Day Of Suffering”. CENTURION has officially signed three-record deal with Apocalypse Records. After that CENTURION toured Poland two times (in March 2003 and February 2004) with the company of well known polish death metal killers from YATTERING. In March 2004 CENTURION was invited to play during one of the biggest European metal festival METALMANIA 2004. In the beginning of 2005 Sobiech, Ostry and Ziomek decided to leave the band due to personal problems like time-consuming job and others. In the next year Caesar and A.D.Gore took up their functions as vocalist and guitarist. In this form the band started to work at the second album. In May 2007 Blacha (bass) joined the band. In October 2007 Centurion entered Progresja studio and recorded promotional stuff called "Sacrilege". Those three new tracs are the most sadistic and brutal material in the career of the band and it also shows how will be the upcoming LP album look like. In the same time Centurion and Mittloff from Apocalypse Records decided to finish the cooperation, so right now the band is looking for the new label.


Historia zespolu zaczyna sie w roku 1995 gdy po zmianie nazwy z Mortuary na Supreme Lord od nowa trzeba przecierac utarte wczesniej przez 5 lat szlaki.
Supreme Lord doskonale broni się na scenie i zostaje ponownie zaproszony do stolicy na I edycję Vox Mortiis Festival, gdzie ma okazję zagrać z wieloma swietnymi polskimi kapelami oraz nagrać następne demo

1997-1999 "... jest to okres zabawy muzyką i złożenie hołdu temu, co już niestety minęło, 15 lat temu tak właonie wyobrażałem sobie życie swoich idoli z plakatów"- wspomina Reyash

2000-lata obecne to okres czestych wystepow na scenie krajowej(min DARKZONE TOUR) jak i zagranicznej( Niemcy,Anglia,Szkocja nieudany niestety wyjazd do Portugalii/Wloch ),dogrywania materialu i zmian skladu.
Dzieki wspolpracy z CONQUER RECORDS PL zespol osiaga statut kultowego. Nie tracac pary kwartet muzykow szykuje nastepne demo i planuje serie gigow po Polsce.

start 20:00
wejscie : 15/20 zl


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