Forum Rockmetalshop
Vinyl - Wersja do druku

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Vinyl - serg - 03-30-2006

Greetings, I from Russia. Me interests vinylic a plate (classic hard rock)
Who can help with the given question? Whether there Are references of shops?

Re: Vinyl - de7th - 03-30-2006

serg napisał(a):Greetings, I from Russia. Me interests vinylic a plate (classic hard rock)
Who can help with the given question? Whether there Are references of shops?
OMG, You really have to improve Your english, my friend Laughing

I guess You wanted to say You need classic hardrock vinyl records? Well, You have visited wrong shop - here go rather things like t-shirts, patches and other metalhead's clothes. But if You wanna buy some record from Polish online-shop, visit sites like this:

Or use , polish megasite providing online auctions.

Good luck!

Re: Vinyl - serg - 03-30-2006

Djenkuu bardzo