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Angmar - French BM - Wersja do druku

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Angmar - French BM - hemreich - 06-05-2005


Angmar Website is online at Some mp3 of the demo "Aux Funérailles du Monde..." and some rehearsal tracks are available. This demo is avalaible for 5 euros including postage. Some mp3 of the upcoming album "Metamorphosis' will be soon added.
Contact: hemreich (at)

Mp3 folder :

- ReTuRn - 06-05-2005

I tak wiadomo, ze wszystko, co francuskie to jedna wielka chujnia...

- Alsvartr - 06-05-2005

Pojebało??Francja ma teraz jedną z najsilniejszych scen BM w Europie.Wystarczy wspomnieć Deathspell Omega,Nehemah, Mutiilation czy Arkhon Infaustus.

- ReTuRn - 06-05-2005

Moze i BM, ale ogolnie Francuzi nadaja sie tylko do gazu...

- LCF - 06-05-2005

ReTuRn napisał(a):I tak wiadomo, ze wszystko, co francuskie to jedna wielka chujnia...

Zastrzel sie, lepiej zrobisz.

- Lech - 06-05-2005

ja tam sie moze nie znam, ale cenie sobie bardzo Anorexia Nervosa z tegoz kraju

- hemreich - 06-05-2005

Hmm... is it possible that someone translates it in English plz ? I don't speak your langage and I'd like to know what you said about Angmar and about the French BM scene !
Thx !

- ReTuRn - 06-05-2005

We said, that french BM scen is pretty good.
I said, that I hate France.

- Tomash - 06-05-2005

They are writing about everything, except your music Big Grin (yet)

- Lech - 06-05-2005

form me the best band on french BM scene is Anorexia Nervosa Tongue

- ReTuRn - 06-05-2005

I don't speek english well, maybe GErman would suit you?

- LCF - 06-05-2005

Anorexia isnt even a Black Metal band, lol. Another copy of Emperor, fuck them. Melody for gays.

Deathspell omega - BM genius (but Kenose isnt very good, i expected something really better. SMRC- one of the best religious BM albums EVER, cult).

Nehemah, Arkhon Infaustus, Glorior belli- very good french bands.

- aXe Rose - 06-05-2005

ReTuRn napisał(a):I don't speek english well, maybe GErman would suit you?
Don't even try!!! That language makes me sick!!!

- Nivo - 06-05-2005

Hello boys and girls!
I don't know anything about France black metal scene, so i will only look for mistakes in my forum-friends sentences!

Is there a many non-polish users of this forum? Maybe we can make another language version for them??

- hemreich - 06-05-2005

Thx for translating !
As far as I'm concerned, I'd prefer bands like Mutiilation, Nehemah, Belketre, Vlad Tepes... than anorexia.

@return: Du kannst deutsch sprechen wenn du willst. Ich kann ein bissen deutsch. Du magst nicht Frankreich, ich hoffe dass es nicht die selbe mit Franzosen ist !Wink